Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Champions and Rare Human Attributes

Champions are a special breed.

Regardless of their venue, few, if any, are merely first among equals.

Each is a dominant player who, in many instances, successfully defends their title many times.

Like other exceptional performers, champions heed their inner voices.

When you first meet Brian Patrick Cork you have to be impressed with the aura of uncompromising integrity that surrounds him.

Brian Cork's long time friend and business partner Santi St. James would tell you that Cork is relentless when analyzing a position, opportunity or challenge. "He will typically not accept a step in analysis unless he is certain of its correctness. But, he has to convince himself first. He rarely accepts any external authority. There is strength of conviction and situational awareness. These and other unique qualities comprise the source of that incredible confidence that he possesses that serves everyone around him so bloody well".

Most people who deal with Brian Cork admit he is willful and has a singular obstinateness. Once he holds an idea or opinion, it is virtually impossible to dissuade him otherwise. Cork is an extreme in this regard. Other champions might be more open and flexible. But, few can boast his charisma, presence and track record. But, having said this, I have rarely met a man more adaptable. He learns fast - incisively adjusting even to potentially life-threatening crises.

We saw this outside of Sarajevo and in Colorado. We observe it in the way he adjusts for economic trends, and always emerges as a leader in his field of endeavor.

Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) said of Brian Cork: "Brian has immovable independence that is matched only by his character and keen desire to raise up others around himself. This is such a rare human attribute, in which respect, almost all, including intelligent people, are mediocraties."

Aubrey Nelson

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Brian Cork - An Unknown Hero

"Brian Patrick Cork is a beautiful man BECAUSE of his many imperfections. They fuel his boundless optimism because he is convinced that he and every thing around him can, and will, always improve.

I have known Brian Cork for over 20 years. A gifted athlete, I first saw him emerging from the mist charging up a daunting hill during a Cross Country race in Virginia, and stood amazed as he ran down the Kenyans for victory. He is all heart, this one.

Brian Cork has made and lost fortunes. He has never had to think twice about giving away the very shirt from his back. He has lost businesses to predators and buried children. He has been lauded as a hero for being a volunteer firefighter; and wrongfully vilified as a stock swindler (I was one of his many investors, and he did brilliant work). Men of great stature and influence seek his counsel. Most simply enjoy being around him. Brian will say "we are all tied together by threads of continuity. So, we can and must make a difference in one another's lives. It's not only an obligation... the connection makes our lives richer and meaningful". Every day he strengthens the very fabric of the business community - one thread at a time.

What I marvel at, what gives me such hope for a generation led by Brian Cork and his people, is that this man could overcome depression, self-doubt and other constraints of biology and not only act decisively, but retain his humanity. Like a figure from the Old Testament, Brian has wandered the earth, making mistakes, loving his family but causing them pain, despairing over the course of events, trying to divine God's will. He could not know how things would turn out, but he has always done his best and maintained an unwavering faith in GOD, himself and people. He has always kept his moral compass pointed firm and true. And, now he helps other men find balance and success in their own lives."

Aubrey Nelson, Biographer